Shamanic Helper

"When the Door of Hope closes, the Door to the Shaman Opens
...because KNOWING is HEALING!"

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Greetings, friend(s). A few words of introduction... Shamanic workers know that many illnesses and conditions, while apparently physical, emotional and/or mental in nature, and many eminently treatable with western medicines and practices, are ultimately spiritual in their source. For true freedom from the malady's SOURCE, spiritual healing must also take place.

We also know that this spiritual healing, while encouraged and even "turned on" through shamanic interventions, ultimately starts and comes to completion because of the belief in the process of the person needing healing!. Even when negative energies are removed by the shaman, the client still needs to go into self-healing for the mental, emotional and physical aspects of the intrusion. Shamans can and often do assist in this follow-on work.

Put succinctly, shamanic workers do not heal...we open the doorway to Self-healing by engaging YOUR spiritual powers. We are the "hollow bone" through which Spirit Helpers pass vital understanding and knowledge to you for this purpose. Shaman Ken has made 1200 Journeys to the Spirit World, a place from which all reality is manifested, empowered and maintained.

This is a world populated by spirit beings and forces of both great love and healing power, and also of ill intent and anger. Underpinning this Spirit World, of course, is the SOURCE, a Conscious Awareness of love, joy and giving, which has deliberately created the opposing forces (duality, Yin-Yang, etc.) in our existence to give us choices.

This Source, from which we sprang and to which we return, and which is in everyone and everything, is called, among other names, "God" and "Great Spirit." Long ago it was called the "Tao De Ching", which emphasizes that the "Nothingness" out of which all matter and energy springs is the All, the Source. (I discuss this in more depth in my Intro to Shamanism page.)

When you find this empty, silent awareness that IS the Tao inside yourself, for it IS there, you are on the road to healing and enlightenment. The nicest metaphor for this "Emptiness" comes from the Tao, which I paraphrase here: "It is not the four walls of a room but the emptiness inside that provides the usefulness thereof. Similarly, it is not the cup but the hollow within which provides usefulness."

The shaman's to ensure you are restored to light when the darkness moves in to interfere with your Sacred Path, to help you learn about your true self, so you can walk in peace, centeredness and health: a source of love and healing to others. Some of us already know there is more to life than consuming and competition, 24-7. Shamans have known for millennia how to open minds and hearts to the truth about existence, of which our physical world is merely a small, brain-filtered and -imaged part.

Walking this true path allows one to treat all and everything with respect without getting attached, or losing oneself therein. After all, you are the Consciousness that created everything...how can you judge or dislike it?

In Tao De Ching, the totally enlightened person is the one who accepts everyone and everything without ego-based judgment, reaction, or attachment. By accepting All as it is, one RECEIVES fully the energy of Tao...that is, the loving and joy-filled Intent of the Creator Consciousness. Then, by loving what one beholds totally and unconditionally, one RETURNS the Tao Energy BACK to the Creator Consciousness.

It is this "Circulation of Tao Energy" that leads one to the fullest expression of life one can possibly ever have...and a guarantee that one will remain on or very close to his/her Sacred Path, as chosen before coming into this space/time dimension to walk as a human being.

Shamanic practioners often supplement the treatments offerred by regular medical Interventions, not replace them. Ultimately only you can decide whether any given treatment is being effective enough to satisfy you, not your doctor...and not your shaman. And so this is the purpose of this site: to educate, encourage, enliven and ultimately to offer the Interventions that encourage this spiritual cleansing.

There is much more about the shamanic tradition elsewhere in these pages, so we encourage you to explore. Feel free to write or call with questions, comments, concerns or needs. Ken will NOT TURN ANYONE AWAY FOR ANY REASON! He has a great gift...it's only value comes in being offered to others in need.

Contact Shaman Ken by writing to his wife and assistant, Jae, at jaemitch@shamanichelper.org

He can also be reached by Skype phone at:
FOURHAWKS01, or regular phone at 1-603-380-4437 (US).