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Shamanic Helper

"When the Door of Hope closes, the Door to Shamanism Opens
...because KNOWING is HEALING!"

With Shaman Four Hawks (Ken M)
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- Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now"

- - - Words cannot express my Amazement at how good this book is at laying out the Eternal-You versus the Ego-You battle. Western culture, for all its claims to be "open-minded" and "religiously based", is almost completely dominated by mind control and rigid belief enforcement (both media and peer), nearly totally crushing the truly spiritual aspects. Most organized religious practices are ego-based...and necessarily, for a truly free spiritual person does not need religion at all. But this book is not really about that. It is more about helping one learn to disassociate form both the past and the future, both Illusions and/or mental constructs, and live like the rest of nature...in the Now, totally in balance. As living in balance is core to the shamanic path, I found this book absolutely riveting and extremely helpful. Learning how the ego will try to survive at all costs, including the destruction of your life and dreams if necessary, is paramount for each human being. Cannot recommend the book enough. Even better in the CD Set of the author reading it...which is how I have experienced it...for all the emphases are in the right places. Also recommended as a follow-on MUST READ: Tolle's A New Earth.

- Lao-tzu's Tao De Ching

- - - More or less THE source book for all enlightenment, written over 5000 years ago, and available in many translations. I find that having read the Tolle books above made the Tao a lot more understandable, as he obviously uses the Tao as one of his own source books for his deep understanding. The Tao is the universal Consciousness/Awareness from which all Springs. Walking in the Tao means having no ego-attachments to anything about one's own life or other lives, or any of the trappings of the world. In this ego-less way, one therefore loves and respects all, and is content to let the universe unfold according to the Tao and not man's wants or needs. I very much like Dr. Wayne Dyer's version as well, called Living the Wisdom of the Tao. A wonderful online version is at This CUNY site, translation by S. Mitchell. Finally, even better is Naoto Matsumoto's work at Tao De Ching Decoded.

- Tom Cowan's "Shamanism as a Spiritual Practice for Daily Life"

- - - A very nice Introduction to shamanism, centering a bit on the Celtic tradition. Has the best description of journeying and its potential challenges I had seen to date.

- Sarangerel's "Chosen by the Spirits" and "Riding Windhorses"

- - - Both these Books are must-haves for both those like me who wish to honor their own Heritage as closely as possible by following the Mongolian tradition. No works I have seen come close to laying bare all the ways, meanings and rituals of a Shamanic tradition, with the possible exception of Serge King's below. Wonderfully written and researched by a highly honored shaman. Sarangerel passed away at age 42 a few years ago. Her Loss to this world was a tremendous gain to the spirit world, and we who deal with it. Her teachings infuse my shamanism at many levels still.

- Alberto Villoldo's "Shaman, Healer, Sage", "Mending the Past and Healing the Future with Soul Retrieval" and "The Four Insights"

- - - Another must-have series of books, Alberto focuses more on the Andean tradition of shamanism. Vital concepts about the "luminous energy body" and "energy imprints" thereupon are fleshed out here. Wonderful insights into how to live in balance are given. To me, "Shaman, Healer, Sage" is a classic.

- Kenneth Meadows' "Shamanic Experience: A Practical Guide to Psychic Powers" and "Where Eagles Fly"

- - - If you don't have these books, you simply don't have the grand overview of it all. Ken pulls together threads of many shamanic cultures and disciplines and modern science in the most remarkably deep and well-considered manner. The reading is intense and worth several re-reads, for his insights and treatments are truly core-value stuff. Your understanding of "how it all works" will be near-complete when you finish. If there were only two books one should have, these would be it. His wife,by the way. is a practicing shaman.

- Joan Parisi Wilcox's "Masters of the Living Energy"

- - - A long and rich description of Joan's visits with the Q'ero shamans of Peru in the mid 90s. Here we see yet another variation of how spirit energies work and are dealt with. I have incorporated several of the Q'ero teachings into my work now, and it is much the richer for it. Best of all, the book makes clear that the Q'ero, having been around for many centuries and suffered greatly at the hands of their envaders, nonetheless encourage "Westerners" like me to learn and preserve their ways, in order to make the world a more healed place. This is in stark contrast to the attitude of many of our own First Peoples, who understandably do not want to help us learn these sacred things from them, given their supression is still ongoing.

- Mary Dean Atwood's "Spirit Healing (version with Indian Story)"

- - - The seminal book for me, but in the original printing, not the new one. The old one has a picture of a native with feathers and other totemic Items. This original version includes a marvelous story of an Indian maiden who becomes Medicine Woman to her tribe, having been taught by her aging Grandfather. I read this book cover to cover and realized my search for Spirit Truth was over. The philosophy of life and spirit in this book matched my inner code and conjectures, which I never knew fully until this book illuminated it for me. Finally, I had found the truths that had been either covered up or undiscovered by modern religious Institutions. I immediately bought about 20 more books on Native American spirituality until it became apparent this pursuit of the full scope of the "medicine" was a dead end for a non-Native. The full revelation would have to come from elsewhere. I could only find this original version on E-Bay last I looked. And be careful, for some sites show the original Cover but you get the updated version, which is minus the all-important story. Apparently, the story released too much to non-Natives...why else would it have been deleted?

- Jamie Sams' "Medicine Cards" and "Sacred Path Cards"

- - - These two Books came right after Mary's...and they provided incredible detail. Once through these, I had the Native way down pat enough to begin my own "nature walk". I knew I could never be a native in this life, but I could certainly live in this marvelous and all-things-loving way that was so opposite the kill-or-be-killed mantra of American capitalism and social hierarchy. I was HOME!

- Serge King's "Urban Shaman"

- - - A gift from a client, this book is essentially a bible of Hawaiian shamanism, and a required tool in the kit. There are numerous energy-rituals I never knew of before that I now use. This book will make you a MUCH better shamanic practioner. The main concept centers around the "memory" of the energy body....a memory you can change at will to eliminate emotional, (physical, etc.) cuts and bruises. I am SO glad to have read this stupendous work. Serge King is a genius at easy-to-grasp explanation...if you do not have this is your shaman library, you are underperforming.

- Heaven/Charing's "Plant Spirit Shamanism"

- - - Words cannot express how marvelous this book is in teaching us how to relate to, speak with, and use the powers of the Plant World. It is a must for anyone performing shamanic works. I only came to this a few months ago, but already have integrated its wonderful teachings into my practice. You'll be amazed how easy it is to make massive changes in your Life. Buy it, buy it, buy it!

- Eliot Cowan's "Plant Spirit Medicine"

- - - A nice look at one person's journey into living the plant-based life. Less in the way of useful technique is provided than is done is Heaven/Charing's work above, but it is great to teach you the underlying philosophy, which is beautifully and deeply rendered.

- Sandra Ingerman's "Soul Retrieval"

- - - Been a while since I read this, but the main thrust as I recall is how well Sandra has integrated the shamanic journey with her psychotherapeutic practice. She gives many examples of real journeys performed for real clients, and thus is very encouraging for those who wish to make theirs a journey-centered Practice. I KNOW her experiences are real for I have had many exactly like them. I even offered this book to a counselor I knew, knowing she could become so much better using it...but trapped in the western mindset, she never read it.

- Michael Harner's "The Way of the Shaman"

- - - Considered a seminal, almost biblical work, this was really the first book written by a non-Shaman that delved deeply into the ways thereof. By the time I got to this one I had read much of what lies above in this list, and so I found it well-written and a great re-introduction...but I already knew it all so I was probably less impressed than I otherwise should have been.

- John Perkins' works on Shamanism.

- - - Another set of Books, variations of the theme, delving more deeply into the way that South American shamans use various potions to induce hallucinatory journeying. I personally prefer to journey "clean", but who knows how I would feel if I ever had the chance to use a helper substance. However, I get such marvelous results without that I can't see myself ever needing to do so. But some people can only reach the journey state with a helping substance.

- Ted Andrews' "Animal Speak", "Animal-Wise", "Nature Speak", "How to Read the Aura", and the "Healer's Manual"

- - - The living things around us teach us about living on Earth with their adaptations and learned behaviors. Moreover, since they are based in Spirit as are we, they literally talk to us with their appearances and actions. The first three books are essentials to interpret what a visit by a bird or animal, or to a location, means. Must haves..can't really do it without 'em! The book on seeing the aura is a gem as well...I used the tools that allow one to re-develop this skill lost from early childhood, and can now once again see the energy fields around all things within seconds. I have seen soul orbs over a dying person's head using this skill...an astonishment to say the least. Another must have so you can literally see how we are energy beings first, physical second. This skill aids greatly in diagnosing illness. The healer's manual is yet another gem...so many wonderful techniques involving colors, meridians, scents, etc.

- Piers Vitebsky's "The Shaman"

- - - An anthropological, more scholarly look at shamanism, more scientific and yet still revealing many techniques and ways. The author is very careful to try to maintain an objective stance, and yet there are times when you can hear his belief in, or at least respect for, our ways, and others when one senses he may be skeptical. Balanced and very informative. Well worth having, although it is more anthropological than useful for practicing shamans.

- Stevens and Stevens' "Secrets of Shamanism"

- - - Been a while since I have read this, but every time I pick it up I'm blown away by all the rich detail. This could easily rank with Ken Meadow's books, but I still feel his take the prize. Nonetheless, so much is revealed in this work that it is a great book to have for reference and reinforcement. Again, these are people who practice what they preach and so have first-hand knowledge.

- Hillary Webb's "Exploring Shamanism"

- - -There are many times when I want to scream out that this is simply the best book I have read on the subject in terms of simple explanation and example-giving of the main thrust of shamanism. Hillary pulls together threads of many cultures and uses them to reinforce each other beautifully, interweaving her own experiences as well. As with all books, there are a few areas I found just a bit lacking, but can't remember what they were. But as we all know, the only perfect book one can read is one that one has written oneself. I would not have this be the only book one read on the subject, but certainly it could be one of two or three.

- D. J. Conrad's "By Oak, Ash & Thorn"

- - -Finally, a deeply informative and well-reasoned look at Celtic shamanism. While absolutely laden with nearly unpronouncable (there is a guide, though) names of Celtic spiritual luminaries, this book goes very deeply and helpfully into the philosophies of the Celtic path. There are also quite a few modern rituals one can incorporate into one's own path as well. I have adapted D.J.'s Suggestion for using the pendulum to balance chakras into my own work, for example. I can tell you that reading this book is a wonderful excursion into Celtic shamanism's foggy and remote past...and you will probably forget virtually everything you have read concerning names and relationships, only because the names are so foreign to our English-dominated minds. Especially rewarding for the practicing modern shaman, it is a fabulously enticing and captivating read. Or two...or three...

- Both Bruce Lipton's "Biology of Belief" and Joe Dispenza's "You Are The Placebo"

- - -While not exactly related to shamanic practice, both these books show why such a practice can be so effective. "Go in peace, your faith has saved you," said Jesus, after a healing. And what is that faith? As it turns out, a solid, unshakeable belief in the power of emotional thought to alter your genetic expression! While many of our basic genes are locked in, many are not, and the latter are profoundly ifluenced by your environment. This environment of course includes what we breathe, eat, etc. But it ALSO involves how we THINK, as well as what is locked in our subconscious! Shamans can help produce a new "knowing" in their clients, such that their gene code switches from "ill" to "well". Spontaneous remissions of serious illnesses occur on a regular basis, and for that reason. Either or both of these books could well help you to re-express a much healthier you! And for those who are spiritually beset, there is still the shamanic practice such as mine, awaiting you!

- Deepak Chopra & Rudolph E. Tanzi's "Super Genes"

- - -Yes...another book on the power, YOUR power, to radically alter your genetic expression for the better! Most of us know of Deepak, but Dr. Tanzi (PhD) is a Harvard Medical School Professor of Neurolgy who teamed with Deepak to better get this vital information out. Important to note here is that many seemingly spiritually-based healings actually involve this physical interaction between the newly-opened mind and the genes. Among the wonderful discoveries highlighted in this book...just the ANTICIPATION of a desired trigger to a gene receptor site can produce the genetic change! In other words, just thinking about something with desire can do it! So, a trick to healing is to both "turn off" the receptor sites for harmful things, and open those for healthy things....which we can do through both physical and mental efforts...and through shamanism, if need be. But as I have always said, undoing deep-seated subconsicous beliefs instilled since birth can be a massive challenge for most. Hopefuly this book and, if need be, my intervention on your behalf can help with this.

- Osho's "The Book of Secrets"

- - -Osho is a modern "tantric" spiritualist who is extremely well-versed in the tantra methods of reaching one's inner being, one's "Christ Consciousness", one's TRUE self...not the mental/emotional (ME, as I like to express it) we think we are. A transcription of many public presentations, this book (over 1100 pages!) goes into incredible depth concerning the 102 tantric methods for discovering one's true, eternal consciousness. Many of the concepts which Osho goes into wonderful detail on, concerning our existence, ring true with what I have learned through my active involvement with the spirits, and lately, the "Great Mother" who creates and maintains our universe. You only need one of these 102...the one that works for you! Meanwhile, in reading about the others, you learn so much about the "two" yous. This book supplements The Power of Now (see above) very well, and at times tracks with it exactly. I am still reading but it has helped remind me of what I already know while tracking through a world lost in temporary thought.

DVDs (or VCRs)

The Secret

- - - Get it! Now! It will transform you, if you let it. You will have to let go of restrictive, self-defeating Thinking to get it fully integrated, Thinking deliberately foisted upon you to keep you in your place. But if you really take this breath-taking Film in, Nothing will keep you from your heart-felt dreams. This DVD conceptualizes fully the shamanic creed that thought (based in Spirit) is the creator/maintainer of all things.

"Healing the Luminous Body", by Alberto Villoldo.

- - - A great Interview with this Master of the Energy Body "Sciences". A must have to learn how energetic Imprints can ruin you, and how their removal will allow you to fully flower into who you REALLY are beneath the societal and/or familial construct you have chiefly become.