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Shamanic Helper

"When the Door of Hope closes, the Door Shamanism Opens
...because KNOWING is HEALING!"

With Shaman Four Hawks (Ken M)
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A Shamanic Creed

I believe in a "Great Mystery", also called "Tao", "Source", "The All", made of love and its corresponding joy and wisdom, that is the creator of all things spiritual, material and energetic.
(This universal consciousness (better: "conscious awareness") continually manifests itself into this and other realities, in order to experience every possible existence. Therefore, the universe and of course I are in a constant state of re-creation. This also means that one is always in the right place at the right time...always.)

I believe there are other dimensions co-existing with and through our own, and that other-dimensional beings can and do have a direct and profound Effect on us.
(Especially when I do not directly perceive their existence and influences, usually when I shut out the possibility thereof.).

I therefore believe all things and times are intricately related and of equal spiritual Importance.
(And so I honor all of creation as I honor ourselves).

I believe thought is a very powerful tool of creation, and that consciousness (which is OUTSIDE of, separate from, thought) underlies the properties of spirit, matter and energy.
(Everything that exists, past, present and future, is created and held in existence through consciousness-based thought, infused with intent, belief, love and gratitude (or hatred and selfishness). Therefore, ALL things have awareness, consciousness, and a sacred reason for being).

I therefore hold that each sacred path, whether human, animal, stone, etc., is to be honored and kept inviolate, unless Interventions occur along it that are a) made with the owner's permission, or b) made with spirit helper allowance..

I believe that each person has the power to reach the ultimate fullness of their "sacred path" in life according to their own wills and desires.

I also believe one's own power is either enhanced or squelched by the similar powers of all other people; by unseen spirit beings and energies; and finally by their own expansive or restrictive thinking.
(Thus, it requires constant and dedicated, emotion-based intent in thinking in order to transform energy and matter to "grant" one's wishes).

I believe that many illnesses and diseases are based in unhealthy thinking, deeply-held beliefs/memories, and/or a spiritual crisis.
(Therefore all true healing comes from spiritual cleansing within, whereas many symptom-alleviating cures come from the outside).

I believe in numerous lifetimes, and multiple universes, all designed to further our spiritual growth.

I know Humans have multiple souls, some of which reincarnate on this path of growth, and one of which remains here on earth after "death" for a time.
(It is therefore possible to contact these "Earth Souls" after they pass, to bring comfort and solace to those who remain behind).

I believe in striving for balance: of above and below, in and out, male and female, of the Four Directions, light and dark, hot and cold, etc. I do not seek perfection, only perfect balance.
(I believe this balanced lifestyle implies acceptance of success/failure, good/bad, happiness/sorrow, anger/calm, winning/losing, etc., as being relative, and therefore as equally valid teachers and life-enhancers along our way. How I react (or not react) is what determines the nature of things).

I believe that shamanism, along with other similar spiritual disciplines, are NOT organized religions.
(While certain similarities exists across the shamanic landscape, ultimately each shaman is unique, with a singular relationship to the spirit world. Hence, Shamans do not try to "convert" or "convince" anyone of anything, unless they seek it for themselves).

Finally, I believe the purpose of life is to better ourselves spiritually so that I might reach our ultimate spirit destiny, which is to be one with the source while still here on Earth, and not interfere with others as they do likewise.
(This involves using the gifts of love, truth, giving and responsibility to ensure that what I do both better ourselves and others simultaneously. By accepting all and everything with no judgment, and loving it fully, I ensure the circulation of Tao energy and are enlightened.).