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Shamanic Helper

"When the Door of Hope closes, the Door to the Shaman Opens
...because KNOWING is HEALING!"

With Shaman Four Hawks (Ken M)

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Here are some of my experiences that demonstrate to me conclusively the existence of the Spirit World, parallel Universes and/or other Dimensions. There is a LOT more to our "reality" than meets the 5 senses...


<This is one for the books. It was around 7:30 PM on 1/3/09, the Saturday evening of the New Years four-day weekend. Hardly an evening for any sort of roadwork to be occurring on a small side street in a small town. I had gone out to move my wife's car off the street. She had parked it there earlier since our driveway was blocked when she got home. We are not allowed to street park overnight in the winter. I had just gotten to the car, which was facing east and uphill, further up our street, when I noticed the power lines over the little crest of the road and beyond were lighting up, as if a car was coming. But the tint of the light was strange. Not the usual yellow light of a headlamp, but the kind one would expect from the newer halogens with the bluish tinting. I also thought, "Krieg lights?"

But something was odd here as well. The light was not steady. It was flickering. I began to think someone was arc welding something over the ridge, as the flickering was quite variable and attention-getting. If you have ever seen the light sprays of an active welding, you would know what I mean: the extreme and very quick variations in intensity. But then the light steadied, and got much brighter. So bright the entire area from the crest upward was saturated with this blue-white light. The wires above were shining brightly, like strings of light. I thought, "Ah, it must be a vehicle after all..." But then rationality was challenged yet again by the fact that there was SO much light it had to be one hell of a vehicle! Or was it perhaps three or four?! "What would cause THAT much light?" I asked myself.

Then, emerging from the center of the road, with all this bright light behind it, was a vertically-oriented, black and thinly-outlined rectangle. It was moving slowly vertically, as if something were heading toward me. The shape reminded me of a backhoe cab... As the rectangle rose higher, I spotted within it the silhouette of a single human, looking exactly like a gun target silhouette...all black, no obvious clothes or hat...just head and shoulders and torso, arms by the sides. Just as I was about to convince myself that it was indeed some sort of work vehicle with amazing lights, this rectangle reversed direction INSTANTLY and went back down into the ground at the same speed as it has risen. The lack of a pause was really strange, as it was as if the reversal had happened without a gear shift. If this were indeed a vehicle, it had made it part of the way up this very shallow sloped hill and then sputtered out and gone back down.

The rectangle was gone, and within a few seconds, the extremely bright light flickered twice and all was dark. There had been no noise at all the whole time, on a very cold and still crispy night...when sounds travel easily. I stared a few seconds, a bit dumbfounded and a bit uneasy...as what I had seen was singular. I had never witnessed anything like it While all the individual elements were things I had seen, never had this much light and such a strange presentation behaving so strangely appeared to me. This combination was unique. I finally pulled the car in, after first debating whether or not to go up and see what the heck that really WAS. But I was actually intimidated by its weirdness to the point where I felt I might be intruding on something I should not be...my humanity took over and I was somewhat skittish about going up into that area. The sudden Darkness seemed now to be rippling with a vague sense of foreboding. I now of course wish I had.

I write this on the 6th, 3 days later. As time has passed since this event, and I have had more time to reflect on it, it seems more and more unearthly to me. Nothing about it was really normal. The light was strange, as were the lack of noise, the rectangle with the sole silhouette riding and falling like some sort of arcade figure...and the sudden ending. I believe I either witnessed a Spirit appearing to send me a message, which is very possible, or I was seeing a trans-dimensional energy intrusion... Since my shamanically sensitive senses and beliefs are so far broken out now from typical western training, beliefs, and interpretive blockages, I am much more open to this sort of event. It would not surprise me that I was the only one who might have seen this. I shall journey at some point to discover just what this was...a very different earthly construction interlude? Or a visit from elsewhere, deliberately done to get my attention....and how!

Two months later, I performed a Journey to investigate this event: here is that report:

3/6/09: A Journey performed to investigate what kind of energies were at play in the remarkable, first in a lifetime, portal opening I experienced on Jan 3 of this year. Many hours of reconstruction and discussion with others has led me to the inescapable conclusion that this event was not man-made or -produced...but rather an inter-dimensional Intersection, a bleeding across of time/matter/energy from one universe into ours.

As the journey began, I took myself back into the moment when the black rectangle within which sat a shadowy figure rose up from the crest of the hill, with all this intense bright light behind it. I went to this figure, and sensed it retreated because it had seen me, and did not expect a shaman to be standing so close to the emergence point. This implied to me immediately, of course, that this being had awareness and consciousness, and thereby deserved a closer look by me.

I called in my helpers, namely AnnSinn, Mirror Eagle, and the ten Dalha Spirits to surround and gird me for this next tep. I plunged into the black shape itself as it was retreating, and found myself in a council of such shapes, all equally nondescript and devoid of identifying features. They seemed not to care I was there, and I passed them without trouble and came to a further opening in the dimension. I burst through this opening in a flurry of sparks, and into a realm where I saw string of dark matter floating at random, as if hanging down from some sort of ceiling I could not see. I also saw random strings of white light interspersed.

My Dalha aligned themselves vertically around me. This realm was suffocating, and I felt as if I were in a diving bell. I kept moving forward, and soon was able to see in the distance that all of this energy, both dark and light, was flowing into this realm from the other side of a black hole. This appeared to be the lowest Level of energy, matter and awareness, thus explaining the lack of curiosity in the dark figures I beheld. I sense now, after the journey and as I write this up, that these human shapes may well have been formed in response to my consciousness mixing in with these energies. That is, the levels of consciousness and energy were so low that my own concept of what shape they might take played out before me. In any case, it was obvious that all universes were "dumping" their spent energies into this realm for what I sensed was recycling, regrouping, recombination, or all plus more.

So this portal I witnessed was the attempt by this energy to reintegrate itself into a universe to regain power and consciousness. I found myself thinking this might be the source of some of the dark spirit types known through the millennia. In Mongolian Shamanism, such beings are called Burhan, Chotgor, etc. This would explain these beings relative lack of sensitivity and compassion toward human souls, as they blunder through the universe.

I then returned from this realm and thanked all my guides for their company. There was still time remaining in the drum loop I was listening to, so I invited some of my spirits to merge with my body so they could enjoy being in corporal form once again, as a sign of my gratitude. As these merged, I felt my finger tingling and moving without my direction. Once this was over, I returned to my room.


9/10/05: I visited the mother of our dear friend, who has taken a turn for the worse in her dance with cancer and is within a month or so of passing unless a ritual I did for her takes hold. A journey I have taken since that ritual has shown that her ancestors decided to overrule my work, certainly their right, and that is why she began to sink within a few days of my journey for her.

When I first got to the mother's apartment this evening, I went up to her as she lay in her hospital bed, moaning from a constant pain in her side, and kissed her gently on the forehead. As I did so, I softly blew a stream of soothing "mana" into her Crown chakra, a tried and true technique shamans use. Then, as we were standing by her side, I opened up sacred space over her as well.

As time passed and we all talked, she got obviously better, even starting to joke. At one point, she even told me as I was moving a small table for her that she had started feeling better since we had been there. I told her simply that that was the reason we had come, but inside I was hoping my mana-insertion, sacred space opening and the flow-through healing of my shamanic presence was at work.

At one point, she asked her sister, who was there with my Wife and I, if there was someone standing behind her. Her sister of course said no. I looked with my Chakra-vision and saw the shape of a person, head and shoulders, right behind the mother. I got my wife's attention and whispered, "actually, it's YES." She smiled knowingly.

But the real amazement was yet to come. Shortly after this visit, I performed a mini-Journey into my spiritual hollow bone tool. I saw the mother's mother and father standing at her side as she lay there, and beside them was a small girl, perhaps 2 or 3. I sensed but did not see grandparents further out but also watching over her. I then tried to use my third eye chakra vision to detect more of what was going on around our friend's mom, but nothing came through. It was when I opened my eyes that I was to be shortly astonished.

Within seconds, as I stared with my aura-detection technique at the area immediately over her head, I saw a blue-white half-saucer of Light form there. It was so bright. I had never seen anything like it. This layer of light was moving, too, sort of swirling in place. I was seeing her eighth chakra, the one above the crown chakra, wherein resides your eternal presence as a spirit being. I had read about this in certain books, but this was my very first viewing. I was amazed! But the best was yet to come. Suddenly, overlapping the plasma, I saw a vertical triangle (an "A" shape) form composed of three small orbs of white light, like tiny Suns. They hung there for a seconds. Suddenly, they had inverted and there was a "V", with a fourth orb off to the left. Then, another inversion returned the "A". At the time, I was totally non-plussed as to what these were. But as we drove over to our friends's house and I though more about it, I realized I was seeing the actually soul energy of the parents and the little girl! I have seen my own little soul orbs rushing by in my peripheral vision for the past 4 years, and this is what led me to realize what these other orbs were. They had graced me with my first viewing of out-of-body soul beings...perhaps in payment for all the work I have done before on the mom's behalf. What a humbling and tremendous gift. I am still so amazed!

A final note: The Mother has been seeing a sick little girl lying on the couch next to her hospital bed recently. I was told in my journey concerning her downturn that the little girl is the same one I saw in my mini-Journey...except she is not sick. The mother is projecting her own illness onto this little girl..

What an amazing and humbling adventure being a shaman truly is...

11/16/08: Lately I have been watching a lot of videos on both YouTube and his own site by David Icke. David is orginally from Britain, and after having a spiritual conversion in the early 90s, he set out to alert people to the coming danger from the Orwellian New World Order. He has written many books and given innumerable public lectures on this subject. Once considered the laughing stock of England for his early appearances after hhis conversion, he is now no longer being laughed at in some circles.

Among his more "outlandish" claims are: that there are "reptilian beings from another dimension" who are in a vibrational state that we cannot detect with our limited senses, who are nonetheless wreaking havoc on us and leading down this path to defeat of the individual consciousness, and enslavement in a world order dominated by humans who are controlled by the Reptilians; and, that these people still involve themselves in dark arts and blood rituals, and among those people are the current royal family of Great Britain.

Most of us in the west would automatically dismiss this as sheer lunacy. But let me add my perspective, as shaman, to this. When I first heard of the concept of other-dimensional Reptilian beings (keep in mind that we all have a "reptilian" portion of our brains from way back when, where empathy is non-existent, and survival at all costs is the rule of this tiny lump of brain matter), I was struck immediately by an experience I had late last year.

I had been taking lots of photos, searching for spirit orbs, and one morning I got a very strange one indeed. You can see these shots on my MySpace photo page, numbers 25 and 26. When you look at the close-up, you will clearly see a bulbous head with two red eyes which I immediately took to be a snake head. Events soon led me to journey into the spirit world to see what had caused this. Here are the results of my journey:

This all really began the Saturday night of Nov 10, while my wife and I and two dear neighbors were sitting at the dining room table, playing dominoes. All the windows behind me were sealed for winter...so no leaks were present. We were about halfway through our series of games when I suddenly felt a very distinct cool draft flow across my neck and head from behind. I asked about it, as no-one else had felt it. I even went so far as to check downstairs to see if my son had opened the back door to let out some heat. He hadn't. So I thought nothing more of it.

But as I was downstairs brushing my teeth for bed a couple of hours later, again in an area with no possibility for drafts, a very distinct cold blast moved across the back of my bare legs (I was in sleeping shorts). This time I really thought about it, knowing it was more than just coincidence, and rapidly came to the conclusion that I had, for the first time, felt a ghost going by. People who have claimed to have encountered ghosts often speak of feeling such cold spots in the air. I immediately took this to mean that one or more spirits was really anxious for me to come into the Spirit World, as something important had to be up. This was the first time I had ever been "requested" like this, so it had to be a matter of urgency.

Prior to this, on a hunch based on a lengthy chat I had had with my wife the night before, I had taken my camera out the Thursday morning before and took a few flash shots to see if any spirit orbs were about. I was not surprised to find one in the first shot, a portion of which is inserted below. What DID surprise me was the size and shape of this orb. It had a bulbous head and seemed to have two wide spread eyes and some sort of neck. I got chills that such a well-defined orb was present. I took another shot about a minute later, and while the "head orb" had shrunk, there were three other, normal orbs about, and so it was obvious something in the spirit world was up. I figured it had to do with my wife, but the events of Saturday evening, as delineated above, got me to thinking that something else was up.

So that same night, as I was going to sleep, I decided to take a mini-journey just to see if something might turn up. I actually split the experience into two parts. I did a quick read first, then woke up later that same night and realized I had to act immediately, again using a virtual candle, tools, etc. while lying in bed so as not to awaken my wife.

In part 1, I found myself in outer space, and saw a large snake moving toward me from a circular dimension-portal, that is, a doorway to another time and place not associated with our universe. I stood aside and saw this snake approach the Earth. The snake's head was bigger than the Earth, and as it drew near it opened its mouth, which was large enough to swallow the whole planet. But instead of doing that, it exhaled a blue gas that surrounded the entire planet like an atmosphere. I was not sure what it was doing at first, but then saw that it was pouring thousands of smaller snakes onto the Earth, and these were infesting the rivers all across the Gglobe. It was THEN that it suddenly struck me that the head orb pictured below was actually that of a snake, that we had a river very near us, and that THIS was the emergency I had been alerted to by the drafts of cold air. One of these snakes was HERE. I knew I would need to journey to help fight it.

At first I fell back asleep, deciding it could wait. But for some reason I awoke an hour or so later and realized this had to be done NOW. I opened sacred space as mentioned above and began my journey. As I entered the Spirit World, I found myself standing at a white curtain of spirit energy, and I instantly decided to go through it. I was now in a large auditorium full of similarly-journeying shamans. I looked up at the stage and saw the meeting moderator as a brilliant orb of bright white light, shining like the sun, with hints of arms, legs and a head. As I went to find a seat near the back, the moderator mentioned me, saying he "welcomes Four Hawks..." Then, as another shaman came in through the back, the moderator welcomed "Silly Crow."

Apparently we were the last two to be called, for the moderator then addressed the sssembly, saying that we must all get together to take on the invading Snake. We all went back into space and faced the snake. I sensed it was of a lower intelligence, and was not really aware of the havoc it was about to cause on Earth. Again I thought of the little snakes moving up our rivers, and how the pic I took shows the face of a snake...apparently the snakes were here in search of energy, and were to take in much of the world's "Chi". So we all used our thought-creative process to create golden ball of mana, as big as Earth. All the Snakes then left the Earth and consumed the mana ball. We then showed the parent snake how to create mana for itself, and watched as it formed a small ball before it and swallowed it. Satisfied, it withdrew back into the portal it had come from. We shamans then ensured the hole was closed.

The Scene then shifted and I saw a middle-aged woman with black hair, smiling as I placed my hands on her head in order to heal her. This may have been the spirit of Mother Earth? I was then back in the auditorium, where the moderator gave us each a purple "figure 8" of spirit energy to wear always as a "bow tie." I took this as a high honor, and have often thought of the energy it gives me, especially in the throat/base of the brain chakra areas.

As you have read, this was indeed an Invasion of our world by reptiles from another dimension. While these obviously were less threatening, in that they did not take over humans yet, it shows THAT THE CONCEPT OF OTHER-DIMENSIONAL REPTILIAN BEINGS IS NOT A CRAZY NOTION! They exist in a vibrational state beyond our ability to "see"...but that does not mean they do not exist.

As far as blood rituals being practiced to this day by "Illuminati families", I asked my pendulum a simple yes/no on this one...and got a yes. I leave it to you to accept or reject the evidence I present to you here.

11/16/08 Update: The following is excerpted from a journey I did for a friend's brother in california back in early 2005. The brother has been living with a wife who has been mercilessly cruel and uncaring to him. They are finally divorcing now. But it suddenly struck me a few days ago that when I performed this journey for the two over three years ago, I found a huge Spirit Snake wrapped around their House, their spirit vitality drained. It took me this long to understand the full dimension of this: this to me is a classic example of how a reptilian presence can undermine human beings, in this case to the max:

"We flew over the Grand Canyon and on into California in a matter of seconds. We landed in a tree next to the house, which appeared to me to be single story with a red, shingled/clay tablet roof. I did not see the whole structure, though, so I cannot be sure of its actual footprint and size. I saw the brother slumped on a couch watching TV. His wife was doing something, but I can no longer translate my post-journey scribble. It reads like "eslinder" but I'm not sure what it was/is supposed to say. I spotted a huge black snake encompassing the entire house, coiled around it and within it. I also noticed both people's auras. The brother's was almost all gray with just hints of color here and there. The wife's was very dark gray to black and totally without color. Both are therefore almost totally shut down spiritually. I handed the brother a copy of my healing rainbow energy feather, but he did not react as I put it in his hand. It had no effect. "

Based on the three years of psychological and spiritual abuse that followed, I am convinced the wife was, at the very least, channeling Reptilian energy.


8/6/08: A journey taken to investigate several sightings of spirit shadows in our living room, seen by both me and my wife over the past few months as fleeting dark motions moving quickly along, basically gone by the time one looked to see what it was that had gone by. Moreover, I was sleeping down in that room one night and was awakened to feel an ice-cold breath on my right forearm. I knew I was awake and I knew this was a spirit touching me.

I went into spirit space and found myself kneeling on my hands and knees, crestfallen and down in spirit, surrounded by the Dalha who were very bright and energetic in many colors in comparison. The difference between their brightness and mine was almost blinding. The circle we were in then lifted off the ground and I could see we had started on a plain in Mongolia, home of the Dalha. We quickly soared way up into space and quickly crossed the Pacific and America. We landed in my back yard. The fact the Dalha were in Mongolia shows they did not see the need to be near me during this quiet time I have been going through.

Once in my yard, I was shown the source of the shadows. Where my Epiphany Tree stands now, behind the shed, in our "reality", stands in the Spirit World the "World Tree" itself. This is the spirit tree that connects the three Worlds (Upper, Middle, Lower) and serves as the vehicle along which shamans can maneuver between these worlds. I saw a doorway in the trunk at the base of this tree, and saw that I had carelessly left it open at times in the past after opening sacred space for my spirit work. On several of these occasions, I had allowed a few beings from another dimension to enter ours, and these were the shadows we had been seeing.

I now had three beings to round up and return to their rightful places. The first was a 20-something, human-like being with blond hair. He was very feisty and apparently was ready for the chase. He took off at an incredible speed. We were soon on a long beach and he was running along at such a speed I had no hope of catching him as a human myself. I therefore took on Eagle's spirit, and launched myself quickly into the air high above this streaking figure below. Just as quickly I swooped down to a point directly in front of the being, catching him up short. I had him firmly in my talons, and very soon through the door in the World Tree, which I closed behind him.

I then turned my attention to the other two, who were a pair of fairies, boy and girl. They likewise were up for a chase, and headed into the woods behind my house. Tens of pairs then formed and stood next to trees so it was impossible to use normal sight to tell which pair was real and which the illusions. So I closed my eyes and used my spirit sight. I saw that one pair had a special aura around them, and knew this was the real couple. AnnSinn then snuck up behind them and placed her hands on a shoulder each, and dragged them to the door. We shoved them through and shut the door on them as well. Our dimension was now free of these intruders.

The Dalha then took me back to within their circle. All was back to normal. I was the golden hawk again, as they had made me during a prior re-birth journey. I then became aware that is was raining like heck outside the window, and sensed this was deliberate, especially at this point in the journey where I had been reformed again. I sensed the water spirits running through me, cleansing me even more.

I then checked out the World Tree again. It had many colorful Orbs hanging from its outer branches. I saw a small figure lying against the trees and roots now, and went over to him. He told me his name was "Kinnear" and that he was a new helper spirit assigned to help me. He told me that he would always be out by the Epiphany "World" Tree, and that he would do his best to honor any request I made there. And he reminded me again: CLOSE SACRED SPACE when you are done.

Then, the call back sounded and the journey was over.

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